Student Laptop Agreement
Bishop Luers has received the “Equip Every Knight” computers! We are so grateful for these gifts from our faithful alumni, friends and donors who helped make this opportunity a reality for each of our students and what a wonderful time of year to receive them.
The following procedure is in place for the distribution of computers:
First, both parent and student must read the attached Bishop Luers High School Ethical and Responsible Use of Technology Policy and Student Laptop Agreement.
Second, each student must sign the Technology Agreement Contract and return it to their homeroom teacher by Wednesday, 11/18. You may find the Contract Agreement form on page 25 of the Technology Agreement but it is also set out as a separate document on our website for you to print and sign or you may pick up a copy in the front office or the Media Center.
Third, parents are responsible for lost devices and all devices will be returned to Bishop Luers at the end of our school year.
Fourth, our expectation is to hand computers out to every student who has returned a signed Contract Agreement form prior to Thanksgiving break.
Finally, students are expected to bring their computer each day to school fully charged.
Printable copies are available at the links below:
2020 21 Technology Policy English
2020 21 Technology Policy Agreement Spanish Version
2020 21 Technology Policy Agreement Form Only
Thank you for helping us place a computer into the hands of each one of our Knights! Should you have questions, please contact Mrs. Mandy Allen at mallen@bishopluers.org