On Monday, August 28, Bishop Luers National Honors Society traveled to Camp Potawatomi for the school day. They took part in various activities to aid in building leadership skills. The students climbed a 60-foot rock wall, made boats out of cardboard and duct tape, and participated in a jump rope activity focusing on communicating with peers. This field trip accomplished the National Honors Society’s goal of focusing on the Pillar of Leadership. #LuersSpirit
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
Students at camp
Student climbing rock wall
BLHS has so many amazing things happening lately, and we had the largest incoming freshman class in a decade this fall (160)! Providing these experiences for all of these students comes with expenses. Kristin Spoltman in the Office of Mission Advancement has worked really hard to put together a comprehensive listing of all the needs our school has throughout the year. If you could take a moment to check out the different listings, that would be much appreciated. Please consider donating and/or sponsoring to support our school and the many learning opportunities we want to give to our students. Learn more here: https://www.bishopluers.org/page/giving Please contact kspoltman@bishopluers.org if you have any questions. #LuersSpirit #GoKnights
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
School blessing
The BLHS Pep Band brought the party to St. Joseph Hessen Cassel and St. John the Baptist FW students today! Band Director Adam Hanke talked with students about the different instruments and gave them the opportunity to ask questions. The Pep Band performed several songs, including the BLHS fight song. Go Knights! #LuersSpirit
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
band  performing
band performing
Band director teaching about instruments
Happy Labor Day from Bishop Luers High School! #LuersSpirit
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
Happy Labor Day photo
All of the Theology classes participated in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament today in the BLHS chapel. #LuersSpirit
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
BLHS had Back to School Night last evening! Parents had the opportunity to follow their student's schedule for 10-minute blocks to learn about the classes and ask questions. #LuersSpirit
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
back to school night check in
candy gram booth
science class
people in hallway
REMINDER - BLHS will have a 2 HOUR DELAY tomorrow - THURSDAY, August 31st. School will begin at 9:45 am. #LuersSpirit
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
2 HR Delay
All sophomore students are welcome to invite their Grandparents/Special Guest to attend the All School Mass at BLHS! #LuersSpirit
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
Grandparent day
BLHS is hiring Cafeteria Staff! Contact Terri Dossen at tdossen@bishopluers.org if interested. #LuersSpirit
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
Cafe staff promo
The BLHS Project Outdoor Nativity Scene fundraiser is back by popular demand! Deadline to order is October 7. Order your nativity scene today! Learn more and order here: https://app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/BishopLuersHighSchool/blhspons23.html #LuersSpirit
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
Nativity Scene
We are excited to welcome all parents/guardians of our current students to our Back to School Night on Wednesday, August 30, 2023. Come meet the teachers, learn about the courses, and understand the expectations of your child. If you have any questions, please contact Mandy Allen at mallen@bishopluers.org. #LuersSpirit
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
Back to school night details
Look who decided to show up to Spanish class today! #LuersSpirit
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
Lu the Knight at class
BLHS student section and pep band from the game last Friday! #LuersSpirit #goknights
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
school student section
pep band
Bishop Luers High School had an All School Blessing this afternoon led by Fr. Paolo, Fr. Patrick, and servers. Fr. Paolo walked around the school halls, sprinkling students, teachers, and staff with Holy Water and blessing the building. Everyone then processed behind Fr. Paolo to the gym, where everyone received a final blessing. Praise God! #LuersSpirit
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
All school blessing, students in gym
Mark your calendars! #LuersSpirit
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
Bourbon and Bags Bingo promo
Tonight's BLHS Volunteer Meeting has been CANCELLED. Please mark your calendars for our next meeting, which will be September 28th at 7:30pm in the Media Center. #LuersSpirit
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
Volunteer Meeting Cancelled
All are invited to join us for Homecoming 2023 at Luers Field! Mark your calendars! #LuersSpirit #goknights
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
Homecoming promo
The first BLHS football home game of the season is quickly approaching! Want to avoid the ticket lines? We have All Athletic Passes and 10 Punch Cards are available online at https://websites.eventlink.com/s/bishop-luers-high-school/Tickets. These will be on your mobile device and scanned at the gate. We also have the option of purchasing the passes and punch cards directly from the Business Office during regular school hours – 7:30-3:30pm. All Athletic Pass - $100 (this pass can only be used once per eligible regular season home athletic event) Athletic 10 Game Punch Pass - $55 (this pass can be used multiple times per eligible regular season home athletic event) #LuersSpirit #GoKnights
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
Season sports pass promo
Key Club held a Blood Drive today at BLHS. Students had the opportunity to give blood in the Media Center throughout the school day. #LuersSpirit
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
Student giving blood
All are welcome to join us for a Volunteer Meeting on Thursday, August 24 from 7:30pm-8:30pm! We will be discussing Luers Knight 2024, as well as other upcoming events. Many hands make light work! #LuersSpirit
over 1 year ago, Bishop Luers High School
Volunteer meeting call out poster