The Honors Economics classes discovered the value of free trade this week through an activity involving Dum Dum suckers. Each student was given three suckers which they rated based on their personal preferences. The students traded first within a small group (national trade) and then within the whole class (international trade). After each trade, the students recalculated the value of what they had to see that, even though no new suckers were added to the class, each student’s individual value, and the value of the whole class, increased.

We are loving our new app! Access documents, news
updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3raw2jj
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3r5V6b8

Mrs. Arford's 3rd Period science class got to experience space in a dome today. A projector inside the inflatable classroom provides a panoramic view of different planets.

Check out our upcoming Performing Arts Theater Schedule for 2023-2024! More information to come!

Today BLHS celebrated the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary with an All-School Mass. Our Lady, Queen of All Saints, pray for us!

BLHS Cheer camp is coming up! Register by Monday, August 28th. Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfSjV8AxWW6RE3eYEt6RZImplx0rCa_lRZ6dD-3CVddjQXFmQ/viewform.

The first days of classes at BLHS have already been eventful! Students in the Fundamentals of Performance dual credit course were tasked with creating costumes with only a few types of materials. Can you guess what three movie characters they are portraying?

It is a great day for festivals! Director of Admissions Jenny Andorfer and several students are representing Bishop Luers at Fiesta Fort Wayne. BLHS also has an info booth at St. Aloysius fest. We love our feeder parishes and schools!
#luersspirit #goknights

Just a reminder that Bishop Luers High School will have delayed start Fridays beginning tomorrow, August 11. School will begin at 8:30am each Friday unless otherwise noted.


Picture Day is Thursday, August 10!

Welcome class of 2027! Today we welcomed 160 freshmen and almost 30 upperclassmen to BISHOP LUERS HIGH SCHOOL! Welcome to the family! Once a Knight Always a Knight! We pray for all our students, teachers, staff, and parents for a successful and fruitful school year! GO KNIGHTS! #luersspirit

Freshman Orientation Day is tomorrow! We are so excited to meet everyone!

Just a reminder that athletic season passes are available! https://websites.eventlink.com/.../bishop-luers.../Tickets
Knights Athletic Punch Pass (10 games) - $55.00 - This pass can be used multiple times per eligible event.
Knights All Athletic Pass - $100.00 - This pass can only be used once per eligible event.
Also new this year – if the opposing team for an away athletic event is utilizing Eventlink Tickets, you may be able to purchase tickets online through your Eventlink App ahead of time. The available games will be listed under the Tickets tab on the BLHS athletic webpage. Sorry, but at this time Bishop Luers is not offering individual game tickets for online purchasing.
#LuersSpirit #GoKnights

Still need to order uniforms for this school year? Our online store is back open. It will be open today, August 3rd, through August 10th.

Time for some football! Join us at Luers Field tomorrow night for the Intra Squad game.
#LuersSpirit #goknights

Pick-Up Day is tomorrow, August 3!

This is just a reminder that you can pick up uniform orders on Thursday, August 3. There will be a limited number of additional uniforms for purchase if you did not pre-order. A new online uniform store will be open in the next week for additional purchases. If you cannot make it to pick up on August 3, they will be available for pick up after that date, but not before. Any questions, email cshank@bishopluers.org.

Let's PAINT!
Student government is selling senior parking spots starting Monday, July 24th through Friday, August 4th through the school's business office. Reserved spots are $40.00 and DO NOT include a parking permit. Payment does not guarantee your choice of a spot as spots will be first come first serve on the day of painting, which will be Sunday, August 6th beginning at 9:30 am*. Our student government will ensure available spots are painted over with white paint. We WILL NOT be supplying brushes or rollers on paint day. Bring your own weather-proof paint colors and brushes/rollers. Our student government will supply bottled water for all participants.
*In the event of inclement weather, we will announce an alternate paint day.

The BLHS Freshman Orientation Day is quickly approaching! Tuesday, August 8th from 7:45am-11:45am.